SellingAccs – Accounts Store

Gmail Aged(Various languages)


$ 0.700

The accounts more than 6 months old. Recovery email included (without password). The accounts may be in various languages.

Registered from different countries IPs.
Verified by SMS.
The full name of the account may not in English.
Account language may not be English.
Male or female.
Recovery email included(without password).
The accounts more than 6 months old.

Format:   login:password:Recovery email

Recommendations for purchase:
First buy a small number of accounts (up to 10) and check them
We have 3 Days replacement guarantee,Except for sending and illegal stuff!
Accounts that have changed their password or security do not have any guarantee.
There is no Replacement or Refund after guarantee period!

- Destination addresses are single-use.
- Please keep the transaction fee in mind!
- Transaction's destination address is active for only 60 minutes!
- Send strictly the amount that you specified while creating an invoice!